Saturday, September 7, 2013

Get Active


It is another beautiful Saturday, a 27 degree day, it couldn't be more perfect!
So let me just recap the past two days, on Thursday, me and my friend Mike decided to make a deal, well I brought up the idea, but every Thursday's, we go down to the park and go for a run. So on Thursday, I was a little nervous because I haven't ran in ages and I feel I'm very slow and my cardiovascular system isn't ready but we did it. I pushed myself to try harder, there's this hill at the park and he said to run it up and down 30 times, silly goal, when we got to the 5th up and down the hill, we were tired! So I decided ok, I'll run it up and walk it down but I felt good after, I felt healthy, alive and happy. I ended up only going up and down twelve times and he only did 10, which makes me feel better about myself haha.
That same night was Fashion Night Out, I decided to dress decent and wear heels out to the city, I went with other people, Paula and Sarah, as well as Mike. I was expecting big sales and finding a bunch of new clothes or accessories, but there wasn't many that caught my eye or attention but I did buy 3 things.
- A top from Sportsgirl for $14.95, as it had a 'take $10 off' sale, so it originally was $24.95.
- A blazer from Zara for $89.95. Zara didn't have a sale but I've been wanting a blazer however I'm going to keep the receipt and go back to Zara and check out if there is any other blazer's I may like better and maybe swap it.
- A jumpsuit from a shop called Rocking on Fifth; it's those shops in the middle of the shopping centres, so it's not really a store just an open ground to sell clothes and accessories. I really like the jumpsuit, it's floral print and perfect for Spring/Summer; it was $30-40 I forgot but it was 20% off.

On Friday, was just another day of uni, it was 26 degrees and I ended up getting a little tan on my chest and arms haha. I also realized, I'm just going to be myself and don't worry about boys, they can find me haha. Also after than run, my body is aching and it still is today, like they say 'No Pain, No Gain'.

Today is Election Day! Yay, fun haha, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, it was pretty simple but I remember back in Highschool during Commerce, that the teacher made a huge deal and made it sound really confusing. Today I'm going to buckle my head down and learn Accounting, I find it very very confusing and I look really dumb in class.
So as I usually end off; make a goal and do it, you will feel so much better after you get into a routine or habit and you will see results; whether it is a goal about body image or achieving your dream - just go for it!
Happy Saturday
Yours Truly,

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Another day


I don't like Tuesdays, I mean the waking up part is what I don't like about it, having to wake up at 5:30am is not ideal at all. Another day at uni, it has been 6 weeks already and I haven't done much, it has flown so quickly! There's this one guy, something about him, other than his looks of course, makes me feel like a girl, like I am girl but shy and cautious of what to say. I don't know his name and I've never spoken to him ever! He sits 1-2 rows in front of where I sit and he's such a charmer, he's not a person who sits there and bludges, I see him actually doing work which makes me more interested. I like a smart man. I also see him on Friday's but he sits on the other side of the lecture room with his mates, which makes it harder for me to have a good morning weekly fix, haha, does this make me sound creepy? I'm a very observant person and I remember faces, faces that strike my attention more to speak. 
Right now I'm watching Big Brother and I'm eating shapes... Shapes, oh god, I should stop, it's so unhealthy but it tastes so good! Tomorrow I'm going to wake up, do some yoga and some other exercises, then do any homework, do some study & STOP PROCRASTINATING!!

What do you think, am I a creep? Or is this normal? I feel that I notice and over-hear things a lot, which makes me seem a little stalkerish but I'm just observant!! 
I hope you had a good Tuesday, it was good for me, the sun was shining and I got to see the mysterious charming male specimen hahaha oh golly.

Yours Truly,

Monday, September 2, 2013



It's another beautiful day, the sun is shining, I have the day off from uni and I've done some light yoga stretches. With my new outlook on life (even though it's been a day), I feel better plus I can finally paint my nails with the new colour I recently purchased, Sparrow Me the Drama by OPI.
Today I'm going to do as I promised, to make some uni notes and complete any tasks that's given for the week and I'll think about whether to do some exercise or not. I also recently purchased two new beauty products - 1st the Tea Tree Oil Mask from the Body Shop and 2nd product is the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion from the Body Shop. The mask is used only once a week, after using it my face feels fresh and clean, the Night Lotion is recommended to be used every night and I have already seen results, the blemishes are slowly fading away and at first I thought this product is so pricey, it was around $23 for such a small bottle, but now that I have used it, it's definitely worth the bucks.
I have also been using Cetaphil Cleanser and the Moisturiser, it has also been a great investment, my face is much clearer to what it was 2 years ago, however this has been in conjunction with a good diet and also with herbal medicines or healthy soups.
So, for those who are battling with blemishes and need a way to clear them up, definitely try the products listed in this blog, however I can not guarantee the same results because we all have different skin complexions. 

Hope you have a very good Monday, stay safe and appreciate everything that you have today.

Yours Truly,

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Listening to:

Almost is never enough - Ariana Grande ft. Nathan Sykes

This is my current song obsession, in fact any Ariana Grande song is my obsession, in the previous months you've got The WayDie in your ArmsRight There and have you heard Ariana sing Emotions by Mariah Carey?!!?? 
Listen to her music and you will not regret it! ♡
Yours Truly,

Starting Fresh


Say hello to Spring! 
I have been waiting for Spring for way too long! I absolutely dreaded Winter, I just don't know what to wear, it's so hard but thankfully, it barely rained this whole Winter, surprisingly, which was really good, it feels as if it wasn't too cold at all. 
So, this morning, I woke up with the sun shining through my window and it just felt great! I decided that I need to start over, start fresh, I got out of bed and put on my workout gear, pulled out my yoga mat and searched up yoga videos. It felt really good, I've never done yoga before but my body feels lighter and all that oxygen in my body makes me feel alive, especially after last night, we kind of treated ourselves with takeaway - well I had pizza and my dad had Thai food because it was father's day the next day (which is today - 1/9/13).
Today is Fathers Day and we have nothing planned for him, like every other year but I realised he doesn't really mind, both my parents don't really care about Mothers day or Fathers day, I mean we get them cards and chocolates or a cup or something useful but other than that, we don't go all out with big parties or take them out for a surprise. 

Starting from today, I need to pull my act together, I need to start focusing on my Uni work and also on my self image. I only go to Uni twice a week and I should be making notes or doing my assignments during those days I don't go to Uni, I also should be walking the dog or going for the run by the park but I'm just so lazy. So from today, I will start doing those things because if I don't, I'm only going to be stressed in the end, not reaching potential goals or outcomes and it's just a waste of time.
So, to whoever may be reading this, set goals for yourself this Spring or Autumn and do them, don't set them but have no actions. Happy Fathers Day to all and I hope you have a very very good day!

Yours Truly,